Rochefort 10
11.3% alcohol, 330 ml
Whisky lovers will no doubt appreciate its warming glow. This red-brown beer has aromas of roast wheat, fruit (figs, cherries), nuts and dark chocolate. In the mouth you will get a prominent taste of caramel, chocolate, ripe fruits and herbal touches of hops.
All of these linger until the finish. Connoisseurs compare this beer with wine, whisky and port. Mild, rich, intense, lots of body. It is both food and drink at the same time, as wrote the late beer guru Michael Jackson. This nutritional overload is far from a coincidence. The Rochefort monks used to follow a strict diet where fish, meat and cheese were not on the menu. It took a beer like the Rochefort 10 to supplement their restricted diet.
Furthermore, two malts were used in the brewing process: pils and caramel malt, as well as wheat starch, two varieties of hops and Rochefort’s own yeast.